Returning users

I have an existing Campus ID

example: or

"Continue" below to use your existing Brock Campus ID to create a Brock CE account and set a Brock CE password. You can then login using your existing Brock Campus ID and newly set password.

If you are a current Continuing Education user and haven't accessed your account in the past 90 days, you may need to reactivate your account and reset your password.

IMPORTANT: Password resets can take up to 30 minutes. Be sure to check your junk mail folder for email notifications. 

New users

If you have never taken a course at Brock, (undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, or other), and do not have a Brock email (example: or, you will need to create a new Brock Continuing Education account.

Please select “Create Account” below to create a new learner account.

If you are unsure if you have a Brock account, please email us at before continuing.

Required fields are indicated by .