PCSL 9N565 - Human Resource Planning
Course Description
In this course, you will examine the strategic planning process, the alignment of human resource strategy to organizational strategy, and the importance of a human resource plan constructed to realize the outcomes of the organization’s business plan. You will explore how demand for human capital is determined through job analysis, forecasting, and make vs. buy analysis. You will evaluate ways to calculate the supply of people internally and externally available to meet that demand. You will culminate the course by discovering how analyzing supply and demand can lead to examining strategic options like mergers and acquisitions and outsourcing.Learner Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will
• Discover how to align a strategic human resource plan with an organization's strategic plan.
• Describe the environmental factors that influence the development of a strategic workforce plan and develop a draft one.
• Evaluate qualitative and quantitative forecasting methods to identify the best fit for a business's unique context.
• Examine the internal and external (including international) sources of human resources supply and determine which supply strategies best align with the organization's values and strategic plans.
• Conduct a make vs. buy determination for a sample organization to determine whether to secure needed resources through hiring, development, subcontracting or business acquisition.
• Formulate a comprehensive understanding of the succession planning process and strategic talent management strategies, and create a sample succession plan to ensure a balanced approach to resource supply and demand.
• Explore the unique challenges associated with attracting, retaining, and integrating international human resources and their strategic value.
• Develop a sample human resource plan incorporating demand and supply modelling and workforce analytics.