
Programming Description

The Essential Sensory Analysis of Cider & Perry is a 2-day course designed for cider producers that will teach the theory of sensory analysis and hands-on evaluation of cider and perry. This in-depth training will help cidermakers understand the role, importance and underlying principles of sensory analysis and how to identify the range and source of flavour-active chemical compounds found in cider. There will be extensive practical sensory analysis of cider and perry. Topics include: The role, purposes and importance of sensory analysis as a key scientific discipline within cider and perry, the biological basis of sensory analysis and use of other laboratory techniques in support of sensory analysis, the key stages and requirements involved in the planning, preparation, and execution of sensory assessments, the main analytical sensory techniques used in the industry, the use of consumer panels for hedonic sensory analysis, the main sensory components and attributes of cider and perry, sensory faults, and developing a full flavour profile of cider and perry including attributes and intensities.

Learner Outcomes

At the conclusion of the course, learners will: Understand the role, importance, and underlying principles of sensory analysis, investigate the main sensory analysis techniques used in the cider industry, investigate the range and source of flavour-active chemical compounds found in cider and perry, gain competency in completing sensory analysis testing of cider and perry for QA/QC, product development, and marketing.


Course fee includes: Expert hands-on training in sensory evaluation and product development techniques for cider and perry, sensory evaluation workbook for completing sensory tests of cider and perry, cider samples, lunches, and parking.

OSAP Eligibility: This course qualifies for OSAP funding as a micro-credential. 

Instructional hours: 16


It is recommended, but not required, that students have achieved the Cider & Perry Production – A Foundation certification. Alternatively, it is expected that students will have a basic knowledge of sensory analysis of cider and perry including faults.
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Section Title
Essential Sensory Evaluation of Cider and Perry
Language of Delivery
Monday, Tuesday
8:30AM to 5:00PM
Jun 23, 2025 to Jun 24, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Main Campus
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
COOL 9N564 non-credit $1,350.00
Drop Request Deadline
Jun 16, 2025
Section Notes

This course can be taken as a stand alone offering or as part of a bundle with Essential Laboratory Testing of Cider and Perry (June 25 - 27, 2025). Receive 10% off both classes when you bundle them together. Enter code "CiderInstitute2025" for both courses in your cart when you register to receive the discount. For more information email ccovi@brocku.ca


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