
Course Description

There are many ceremonies apart of Indigenous cultures that occur throught the year, seasons, or for specific purposes that relate to certain events, periods of life, and more. Broadly, these ceremonies differ between First Nations, Metis, and Inuit and have been practiced and passed down for many generations. Even more specific, ceremonies can vary depending on the specific Nation, community, or clan.

Learning in this course will allow participants to experience two types of ceremonies. The ceremonies will be lead and guided by an Indigenous person and participants will have an understanding of, but not limited to sacred items, etiquette, practices and protocol for a base of variety of ceremony

Learner Outcomes

Learn some of the sacred items that are used during ceremony

Identify sacred items and ceremonies and how they may differ between Indigenous peoples

Learn which spiritual practices are protected by the Human Rights Code and how to approach these in a workplace environment

Identify appropriate times to participate in ceremony

Consider when commemorating changes to virtue signaling and social media buzz that can be offensive

Learn about various protocol for showing gratitude to Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers/Oshkabewiis before and after ceremony

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